Minderoo Foundation commits $10m in humanitarian aid to Gaza, matching Australian government package
Minderoo Foundation has committed AU$10 million for humanitarian aid to civilians affected by the conflict in Gaza, matching the Australian Government’s package.
In consultation with the Australian government, the Minderoo funding will be provided to UN agencies and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), enabling the delivery of urgent medical supplies and support, emergency water, nutrition as well as child protection.
Minderoo Foundation Co-Founder, Dr Andrew Forrest AO, said it was critical that Minderoo did what it could during global crises, when civilians are deprived of basic necessities.
“The people of Gaza are already suffering greatly. We feel a responsibility with the Australian government to do what we can to avert the rapid acceleration of this humanitarian tragedy, where innocent families are caught in a deadly crossfire that is not of their making,” Dr Forrest said.
“Minderoo continues to provide assistance to the people of Ukraine and will do the same for the civilians of Gaza who are being deprived of basic necessities due to the cruelties of conflict. We all agree that innocent children, mums and dads should be protected as much as possible.
“We support the Australian government’s $10 million package and will match it. We will do all within our power to ensure this aid reaches those that need it as quickly as humanly possible.”
Minderoo Foundation Co-Founder, Nicola Forrest AO, said the assistance package will help protect the most vulnerable.
“With the humanitarian situation in Gaza rapidly deteriorating, it is vital that we act now so essential aid can be provided as quickly as possible,” Mrs Forrest said.
“Once more we witness the truth that children suffer disproportionately as innocent victims of conflict.
“It’s this stark reality that fuels Minderoo’s commitment to making a difference. By empowering our on-the-ground partners, the United Nations and MSF, our support will reach those who are most in need.”
Access to a VNR with comments from Dr Andrew Forrest is available here.
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